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Hello Gorgeous!
Tips on how to prep for your session:

It truly is an honor to help you celebrate and document your beautiful life. 

Here are a few little tips and tricks to help you have the best experience and get the best images out of our time together. 

I can't wait to work with you! 


You can also check out my FAQ page for more helpful answers.



What should I wear? This is always one of the first questions I get and there are a few suggestions to help you choose outfits that will photograph well, however none of these are hard and fast rules.  Most of all,  I want you to feel great in what you are wearing and that your clothes are  a true representation of who you are.  I suggest planning on using 3 different outfits.  That way you have lots of variety to choose from.  Don't forget to bring any school jewelry or class ring if you have one.  Do you already have plans for the Fall?  Bring a college tshirt so you can represent where you are headed! 

Click here for my guide on what to wear. 



My desire is capture the real you.  The YOU that you are right now as you finish up your high school journey.  What are your hobbies and favorite colors?  Do you play a sport? Maybe you are in the band or love to sing.  Let's showcase the things that make you unique.   Senior sessions are 2 hours long so we will have time to change locations and get portraits that you will be proud of for years to come.   Feel free to bring any items that you may want to include in your session, paint brushes if you are an artist,  your guitar if you are in a band,  any item that represents you and what you love.  



This is the most important part.  You will need to shake off all  your nerves about being in front of the camera and trust me enough to get silly, move around a lot and have fun.   Don't worry about not knowing what to do, I will talk you through every step.  Please don't feel like you need to stand still and look right at the camera.  To be honest, there will be much more of the opposite. I will most likely say some really cheesy "mom" things but hopefully the session will  be relaxed and fun.  I can't wait to capture unique, genuine, candid and posed portraits for you.  

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